Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm with Barak Obama! I WANT "CHANGE"



A lot of labels are being thrown around these days. Anyone with an agenda starts, sooner or later, to assign labels to themselves or their opponents. Why? Because labels are powerful...and dangerous. Labels say a lot without having to say a lot. Saying that I am a conservative or a liberal are both correct, depending on how you define the label.

Right now, we are talking a lot about "CHANGE". But, change can be good or bad. Change to what? Change from what?

Everyone wants "CHANGE" from high gas prices and war. But Mr. Obama would have us believe that the only way to have that kind of "CHANGE" would be to switch from conservative to liberal.

Is that so bad? If that's what it takes to get lower gas prices and end the war, then I guess that's what I'll have to do, right?

Wrong. Labels are powerful and dangerous because they obfuscate all of the details.

Liberal=No War
I'm for no war therefore I must be liberal.

Hitler used the same tactic.

Nazi=work and regained national pride

Good things, right? well, we all know there was a little more to that label and "CHANGE" was not such a good thing and, in the end, the Germans received neither a strong economy or national pride.

There was a day when I would have been proud to call myself liberal.

The founding fathers were liberals where the predominant political ideal was freedom and individuality but, I might add, within the constraints of a God centered moral philosophy. I adhere to that form of liberalism. It seems to me that the only thing that changed is the spiritual/moral foundation as the basis for demanding individual liberty.

In 1776, change was good. But why was it good? Because the population had no freedom. And what kind of freedom was most important to them? The freedom to worship God according to the "dictates of their own conscience".

See the difference?

The catch words in that "CHANGE" paradigm are conscience, God, liberty, justice, morality.

In orther words "CHANGE" today is simply a dodge to hide the real social agenda behind it.

Therefore, it seems important to be real clear about definitions. I love the following definition of conservative from Glenn Beck. I join myself to his form of conservatism.


A conservative believes that our inalienable rights do not include housing, healthcare or Hummers.

A conservative believes that our inalienable rights DO include the pursuit of happiness. That means it is guaranteed to no one.

A conservative believes that those who pursue happiness and find it have a right to not be penalized for that success.

A conservative believes that there are no protections against the hardship and heartache of failure. We believe that the right to fail is just as important as the chance to succeed and that those who do fail learn essential lessons that will help them the next time around.

A conservative believes in personal responsibility and accepts the consequences for his or her words and actions.

A conservative believes that real compassion can't be found in any government program.

A conservative believes that each of us has a duty to take care of our neighbors. It was private individuals, companies and congregations that sent water, blankets and supplies to New Orleans far before the government ever set foot there.

A conservative believes that family is the cornerstone of our society and that people have a right to manage their family any way they see fit, so long as it's not criminal. We are far more attuned to our family's needs than some faceless, soulless government program.

A conservative believes that people have a right to worship the God of their understanding. We also believe that people do not have the right to jam their version of God (or no God) down anybody else's throat.

A conservative believes that people go to the movies to be entertained and to church to be preached to, not the other way around.

A conservative believes that debt creates unhealthy relationships. Everyone, from the government on down, should live within their means and strive for financial independence.

A conservative believes that a child's education is the responsibility of the parents, not the government.

A conservative believes that every human being has a right to life, from conception to death.

A conservative believes in the smallest government you can get without anarchy. We know our history: The larger a government gets, the harder it will fall.

Those are the things a conservative believes in, and they're the things that I believe in. Now, if only I could find a candidate to match.


I agree, Glenn.

If we could get the Republican party to "CHANGE" in this direction then I would be for "CHANGE".



Pedaling said...

good thoughts. i agree and how i love glenn beck, he thinks like you or you think like him, which ever the case, we are in agreement. yes!

Jen said...

very true. The power of word and word games in politics must work incredibly well or they wouldn't do it.

What bothers me is that kinds of soundbite stuff used to work when I was a whole lot younger, late teens, very early twenties. Why aren't the rest of Americans growing up and thinking?

It just kind of occurred naturally as I had more and more responsibility on my shoulders over the years. Like it does for everyone else as they age.