Sunday, April 13, 2008


o.k. i'll do the tag. this is about the 3rd time i've been asked on this one so what they hay...

1. i didn't tell my college basketball coach that i was going on a mission for my church until i was on the training table getting my ankle tape removed immediately AFTER the game where we took 2nd at the NJCAA tournament. He was not pleased. i did that because i wanted to play and i didn't think he would play me if he knew i was going on a mission. but, duh, why else would i be playing junior college ball? i was just a freshman.

2. When i was in the air force, i scored the highest in my class in Russian pre test. i didn't want to go to the places where that language would take me so, when i was getting my uniforms tailored, i snuck over to the pretty young girl in the assignments dept. and talked her into changing my assignment to the only german slot available. there were lots of russian slots.

3. while on the subject of the air force, i had to pull strings to get in. the height limit in the AF is 6'8". so, because they had to get a step ladder to measure me, i would slouch and actually spread my legs apart about 2 feet. it wasn't until half way through basic that the drill sargeant screamed at me..."Heap, you SOB, you're 6'10". I just smiled and saluted.

4. Also, i went AWOL (absent with out leave) once near the end of basic training. I snuck out during the base field day to meet my wife at a hotel (ahem) near the base. We had just won the tug-o-war (i was the anchor of course) and people were feeling good and celebrating...i disappeared.

5. I had a top secret security clearance in the Air Force. The FBI talked to all kinds of family and friends and did this massive background check before i could get it.

6. I am named Ted because my Dad, Theo, was always called Ted when he was young and he liked the name.

7. My grandpa was a prospector and spoke several different native indian dialects.

There you go. More where that came from...


Ronna said...

I am assuming you did not get caught AWOL. Nice basketball shorts. Those were the days when basket ball was fun to watch! I would love to meet your grandpa one day, as I love rocks out of the ground, you know the gold or silver or copper or sparkly ones. And I am very interested in Indian culture. Did he have the accent down along with the dialects? After the resurrection I will look for him.

Anonymous said...

haha I like the one where you got in even though your 6'10. I can just see you smiling all innocently and saluting.
Cool stories... I didn't know these things.