As many of you know, i am doing a very rigorous diet. In fact, Sheila and I are doing it together. I started first and Sheila followed later. I have to say that i didn't think i was getting that fat. i knew i was slowly gaining weight, especially over the last couple years, but i was shocked when i was sent my picture with Mr. Mitt Romney! Mind you, this is an especially bad picture of me but it was fatso enough to motivate me to find a diet solution. So I did.
Here's the Romney pic. The BEFORE, if you will. The AFTER on the next post...
I think he probably wanted to write "Best wishes you fat tub of lard, Mitt Romney".
This is another fatty picture I noticed awhile back (the Mitt picture is the worst).This is me singing at the Sandy Amphitheater with Billy Dean, Thurl Bailey and the boys. Next to Billy Dean, I must have looked like a fat Goliath. Notice the under chin fat growth.
Here's Billy.
I don't think he has a weight problem...
The problem is...tall guys can hide their fat for a long time. So I snuck up on 300lbs without too much pain. Now it must change (did you hear the resolve in my voice?). After pix to follow...
oh,i get it..
i find, scan and post the pictures and then you steal them....
sorry, there ain't many pix out there with me posing in shorts. best way to check the fat levels. the Mitt pic is all mine, though.
I never thought of you as fat. Yes tall people can get away with carrying more but not seeing it. However, seeing and feeling extra weight are two different things. You must be feeling better as the fat comes off. Keep up the good work, encouraging one another, so much easier when you have a partner.
"before and after" pics are nice when the "after" is a better result.
All I have to say is what goes through my mind anytime I try exercising or a new diet, "one tubby tubby, two tubby tubby . . ."
Ted congrats on your weight loss, although you don't look fat to me! You tall guys (you and kell) can hide it well! Thanks for the note, I hope we can get to Utah soon, it would be great to see you and Sheila!
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