Monday, March 3, 2008


Last week I got a body scan. As one gets older, one starts worrying about these things. Plus, I thought it was interesting so I did it.

It was a reasonably painless experience. It didn't require fasting and the scan process was really quite short. It only took 15 minutes or so.

Then, a fellow shows you everything on his computer screen and analyzes the data with you. So, we looked in every nook and cranny from the tip of my skull to the middle of my thigh. Glands, bones, lungs, blood vessels, heart, etc. in full color. I thought it was pretty cool. Especially when he said i was squeeky clean and looked quite healthy for my age. He didn't seem to notice the quite obvious fat layer surrounding every body shot. Not too much, though. I actually thought it would be more!

It really does give you peace of mind. More than I thought.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool lookin.
Kinda weird.
All I can say is it's a good thing you arn't a chain smoker or something.

Pedaling said...

i was glad everything looked good, now if we could just get a handle on the snoring and the allergies -the snoring has actually gotten better, i guess

The Farmer's Wife said...

Ted congrats on the clean bill of health! Maybe this will motivate Kell...he would be a great snoring buddy for you! (hehe) I am so glad that your life is full of fun and happiness. I have just loved getting in touch with Sheila are one lucky man!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! A "body scan" with good news is a pretty nice present at your age. Have a HAPPY DAY!! Love, Sandy

Ronna said...

That is most interesting I have heard of body scans and wondered what they looked like. Are those really shots of your insides? They do look pretty healthy!! So cool! Thanks for sharing and glad your healthy. Love Ronna

Gram said...

I have been trying since early evening to leave a HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETING to you. For reasons I can not figure out sometimes my comments don't take. Anyhow I hope you had a fun evening with the family. I would like to have been there to celebrate with you. It seems like it was just last year that Gramps and I were in Utah celebrating your 40th Birthday at a fun party. A few years have been added to your age but no one can tell. You look great and stay young at heart. I like the
Scuba picture. Your tag info was very interesting. What does dog taste like? I love you Big Guy. Sorry, I am belated again for it is now 12:30 am.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a Great B-Day!

sandyseashells said...

Well- "GRANDPA" Stay in good shape. I'm sure this is just the beginning of your GRANDPA days.

Pedaling said...

hi hohee
things are fine
i can't get my e-mail to send from this server so i am blogging my message to you
it's a little cool though but beautiful
the hotel couldn't be better
the van is from a non commercial company its old dirty rickity and basically a piece of crap, i was kinda embarrassed pulling up to this nice hotel in it.
oh well
so disneyland is open till midnight
so we're in no hurry to get over there i think i can find it from here
i'll call you later